Thursday 21 November 2019

How to become the perfect team player

1. Learn to listen and hear

It is possible to establish productive interaction with people thanks to the ability to listen and hear. When you listen to the point of view of other people, regardless of whether you agree with it or not. People want to be heard. If you give them this opportunity, become an indispensable person in the team.
2. Do not be offended by people and do not take everything personally

Sometimes unfair decisions or ill-wishers can undermine self-confidence. The surest way to prevent your sense of inferiority from taking over you is to acknowledge the fact that in some situations nothing depends on you, and not accept reproaches at your own expense.

But a completely different situation when you are constructively criticized. Then it is worth perceiving criticism and finding only good in it.
3. Be curious

It's about healthy curiosity. It is appropriate when the essence of a problem is hidden so deeply that it is possible to find a suitable solution only with the help of “right” questions and an open dialogue.

But there is no need to replace healthy curiosity with the annoying extraction of information that you absolutely do not need in your work, or even the dissemination of it.
4. Maintain morale

And also maintain a positive attitude, celebrate the success of other employees. Do you think these traits are mandatory only for a formal or informal team leader? Whatever the case: the team will always answer the same to a positive employee. You do not care what kind of morale reigns in the team? And if you have plans for career growth, then to have a team already need to start.
5. Make a difference

The work environment with its eternal deadlines, pressure and loads often simply does not leave us time and energy to establish productive relationships with colleagues. Informal conversations over a cup of coffee or a joint dinner can really bring relations between colleagues to a new, human level. Just be the initiator. is sure that now you will have a clear idea of ​​what he is, the ideal team player. Perhaps now you have something to be proud of, or something to strive for, or correctly answer the question of the recruiter: “You say that you are a team player. What will you prove? ” To each his own.

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